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Dust Control

Municipality of WestLake-Gladstone


2025 Dust Control Program

On March 17, 2025, The Municipality of WestLake-Gladstone will be accepting applications by municipal residents for dust control during 2025.

Prepayment is required and can be made via credit card or etransfer.

When applied to a gravel road, magnesium chloride will suppress dust by attracting moisture from the air, creating a solution that dampens the road surface. This can dramatically decrease the amount of dust particles from being airborne.

The Municipality of WestLake-Gladstone will email applicants once a date has been scheduled to apply dust control services. The Public Works department will ensure that each area is graded/graveled, if necessary, prior to the application of dust control.

You will be required to stake out the length /distance for the area. Please be concise with your measurements! Public Works will check the length that is staked out, and NO additional footage will be applied.

Humidity – will impact the dust control application’s performance. For example, most applications tend to perform better and longer in higher humidity. No rain and no humidity unfortunately equal less than ideal results.  

Rainfall – Can help reactivate the dust control application, as most application materials absorb water! However, too much rainfall, mixed with traffic, can decrease road condition, and potentially cause road maintenance, with a grader, earlier that expected.

Traffic - It is important to remember that the Municipality of WestLake-Gladstone reserves the right to grade over these areas if the road has been compromised due to road conditions such as traffic, weather, etc.

CLICK HERE to view online fillable dust control application form.

ANY Application submitted without payment by due date, will be considered ineligible for dust control services.

To view Dust Control Policy 2020-09, CLICK HERE.